for the
We're listening! As we look to the future of Mason County Central School District, we've made changes to the scope of our bond proposal and the Board of Education is asking the community to vote on two proposals this November 7th, 2023. If approved by voters, the first proposal would provide funds for district-wide improvements to address identified and ongoing facility projects based on facility assessments and community input. The second proposal would build a performing arts center.
This bond will generate funds for
district-wide improvements.
Frequently Asked Questions

What is a
bond proposal?
A bond proposal is how a public school district asks its community for authorization to borrow money to pay for capital expenditures.

How can funds from a bond be spent?
Voter-approved bond funds can be spent on new construction, additions, remodeling, site improvements, athletic facilities, playgrounds, buses, furnishings, equipment, and technology. Funds raised through the sale of bonds cannot be used on operational expenses such as employee salaries and benefits, school supplies, and textbooks. Bond funds must be kept separate from operating funds and must be audited by an independent auditing firm.

What are the key investments the bonds focus on?
Proposal 1 will focus on:
Safety and Security
Building Systems
Learning Environments
Proposal 2 will focus on:
A performing arts center addition
If you have further questions, please contact Jeff Mount, Superintendent, at 231-757-3713 or by email at jmount@mccschools.org.
Mason County Central School District